Решебник ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс А. Н. Несвит, 2016 г.. 8 год обучения

Lessons 1–2. The Age of Information1 - 9
Lesson 3. We Are in Fleet Street1 - 7
Lessons 4–5. How Do You Get to Know the News?1 - 9
Lessons 6–7. What We Read2 - 7
Lessons 8–9. Navigating the Newspaper2 - 8
Lesson 10. Reading a Newspaper1 - 7
Lesson 11. Writing News Stories1 - 6
Lesson 13. Grammar Revision1 - 5
Переклади текстів
Lessons 1–2. My Studies at School1 - 9
Lessons 3–4. Going to School in Ukraine1 - 8
Lesson 5. Primary and Secondary Education in Ukraine1 - 6
Lesson 6. School Subjects2 - 8
Lessons 7–8. Schools in Great Britain1 - 9
Lesson 9. After School1 - 6
Lessons 10–11. School in the News1 - 8
Lesson 13. Grammar Revision1 - 6
Переклади текстів
Lessons 1–2. My Penfriends1 - 7
Lessons 3–4. Teenage Leisure1 - 8
Lesson 5. Climate and Weather1 - 5
Lesson 6. Whatever the Weather1 - 6
Lesson 7. At the Map of the UK1 - 8
Lesson 8. The Land of Great Britain2 - 6
Lesson 9. Life in Britain2 - 5
Lesson 10. Different Countries, Different Customs2 - 6
Lesson 11. Love Ukraine2 - 6
Lessons 12–13. At the Map of Ukraine1 - 7
Lesson 14. Countries in the News2 - 6
Lesson 16. Grammar Revision1 - 7
Переклади текстів
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