ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас А. М. Несвіт, 2005 г.

Lesson 1. We Are at School!2 - 3
Lesson 2. Around Our School2 - 5
Lesson 3. We Are in the Fifth Form!1 - 4
Lesson 4. My Timetable1 - 2
Lesson 5. My First Day at School1 - 3
Lesson 6. A Letter from England2 - 4
Lesson 7. Daily Life1 - 5
Lesson 8. It’s Lunch Time!1 - 3
Lesson 9. After Classe3 - 5
Lesson 10. An Ideal School2 - 2
Lesson 11. Today Was a Terrible Day!2 - 2
Lesson 12. Grammar Revision1 - 5
Lesson 1. About Myself
Lesson 2. A Good Life Is for You
Lesson 3. How Do They Look Like?
Lesson 4. My School Friends
Lesson 5. My New Friends
Lesson 6. The Way to Have a Friend
Lesson 7. People in the Family
Lesson 8. A Family at Home
Lesson 9. My Sisters and Brothers
Lesson 10. My Grandparents
Lesson 11. Grammar Revision
Lesson 1. The Flat We Will Live In3 - 3
Lesson 2. We Need New Furniture2 - 4
Lesson 3. Household Chores1 - 1
Lesson 4. It’s Teatime!3 - 5
Lesson 5. Enjoy Your Meal!4 - 5
Lesson 6. Traditional Food3 - 3
Lesson 7. What Do I Have to Do?2 - 4
Lesson 8. Lots of Work to Do!1 - 3
Lesson 9. What Can I Do for You?1 - 3
Lesson 10. What Were You Doing Yesterday?1 - 6
Lessons 11-12. Grammar Revision3 - 4
Lesson 1. Health Is Above Wealth2 - 5
Lesson 2. Stay Healthy!1 - 5
Lesson 3. How Do You Feel2 - 5
Lesson 4. Aches and Pains2 - 5
Lesson 5. The Doctor Visited Me2 - 3
Lesson 6. The Ways to Keep Fit1 - 5
Lesson 7. Do You Like Jokes?1 - 5
Lesson 8. How to Use a Computer Safely3 - 5
Lesson 9. Exercising Is Fun!1 - 5
Lesson 1. We Live in Ukraine
Lesson 2. The National Symbols of Ukraine
Lesson 3. Ukraine Is a European Country
Lesson 4. Up the Mountain
Lesson 5. I Have Been There!
Lesson 6. Nature in Ukraine
Lesson 7. Kyiv, the Capital of Ukraine
Lesson 8. A Trip Around Kyiv
Lesson 9. Ukrainian Traditions
Lesson 10. Grammar Revision
Аналоги іншого року видання
Найбільш популярні книги
ГДЗ Математика 5 клас
Автори:А. Г. Мерзляк, В. Б. Полонський, М. С. Якір, Ю. М. Рабінович
Опис:Збірник задач і контрольних робіт
ГДЗ Англійська мова 4 клас
Автори:Naomi Simmons
Опис:Family and Friends 4 workbook 2nd edition