Відповіді ГДЗ Family and Friends 5 workbook 2nd edition англійська мова 5 клас Helen Casey 2018

Автори: Helen Casey
Рік: 2018
Опис: Family and Friends 5 workbook 2nd edition
Рейтинг: 4.0
Contents1 - 1
Starter: Do something different!2 - 5
Unit 1. You can built it!6 - 13
Unit 2. It's show time!14 - 21
Unit 3. The best party ever!22 - 31
Unit 4. Our planet32 - 39
Unit 5. Reuse and recycle40 - 47
Unit 6. Crazy about wildlife!48 - 57
Unit 7. Call an ambulance58 - 65
Unit 8. Let's eat healthly66 - 73
Unit 9. The big match74 - 83
Unit 10. Ancient buildings84 - 91
Unit 11. A message for the future92 - 99
Unit 12. Be a part of history!100 - 111
Culture112 - 114
Class play115 - 115
Grammar Time116 - 123
Everyday English phrase bank124 - 125
Dictionary126 - 134
Irregular verbs list135 - 135
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